Hydro_PT wrote:To be honest, both of you are acting like little children.

A new NFS has just been released and what everyone wants is to give this forum a bit more activity, so your constant "fights" don't help at all. There's also other users around who don't like this kind of stuff. Any more posts like that in future threads will be deleted. So guys, do me a favour and stop with that childish bickering now. That's what a forum is, a place for people to share their opinions. We are all different and we have all different opinions. Phantom has the right to post his opinion as well, and this forum is not immature because there's someone here who doesn't agree with your point of views.

The "freak" thing did cross the line though MaxT, do not disrespect others, you have already been told that before. That's what I do sometimes when I believe he's just trying to start an argument.

If you don't like that, just ignore his posts and move along, you are not forced to reply to him. MaxT has the right to post his opinion about the game, whether you agree with him or not. One doesn't want to post his opinion about the game because the forum is not "mature" (WTF?), and the other just wants to criticize the game everywhere there's a thread about it. To be honest, both of you are acting like little children. I guess you are trying to say i'm crazy because my opinion its adverse to yours, but I've gone through school and i study psychiatry so i don't need a psychiatrist i can diagnosed myself and i can also diagnosed you and give you sum pills for THAT SH*T THAT YOUR ON!.Seriously man congrats your doing it and doing it right ,i think will fit well for a troll and i'm surprise the mods here are still dealing with your shiznit.honestly why don't you take it step further and go boycott the game at a store ,form a rally or something.stop hiding yourself behind a fing screen and do something.if you get a boner or a rush for pissing people off and your ultimate goal its to get me banned from the site or me leaving the forums that won't happen.but you have a chip on your shoulders that says this is the internet, "i can say what i want and you can't do nothing about it".well one day you gonna find a certified freak that's not gonna deal with your shiznit.this is the internet we can do what we want right?.I'll leave it at that. See a psychiatrist while you're at it, freak.

Phantom_pain33 wrote:With the hate/sarcasm that i'm able to see in this topic, i wanted to post my review about the game and talk about the console but honestly ill save my words and cents for a more mature forum that care for what they are and trying to do, not what they are expected to be by many launch.ill just leave it at the game by no mean is perfect but it plays good and looks good on the ps4.